Earlier this week I released version 1.0 of the Faker gem. It's been about 4 years since the initial release of the gem, and the API has been fairly stable for the last couple of years, so I figured it was a good time to make the jump to 1.0. :)
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Today I needed to spin up a VM with CentOS 5.5. My preferred distro these days is Ubuntu, and I had to learn the CentOS dance to get an unsupported version installed, so it took me a little longer than I would have liked to get it going. Here's the secret:
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My weekend project this weekend was BundleWatcher, a tool that does just one thing: watches the gems in your Gemfile for updates. Once you upload your Gemfile.lock file, BundleWatcher will keep track of updates to the gems upon which your project depends, and you can use the atom feed for your bundle to know when updates have happened.
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One of the best things that came out of using EngineYard Cloud was learning about Chef. Chef has changed my world when it comes to managing servers, and I now wouldn't do any amount of system administration without the kind of automation and scriptability Chef provides. Here are a couple of tips on the reasons for and the benefits of using Chef.
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I recently converted this blog to jekyll — I figured since I had to move my slicehost slices elsewhere anyway, I might as well ditch wordpress and play with something new. It's been a bit of adventure getting the site rendered by jekyll to match the URL structure I had in place with wordpress, so I thought I'd share some of the code I found and wrote to make it work.
The first step was pagination. My old page links were in the form of /page/2, rather than page2 like jekyll's default. This was an easy fix, based on some comments in the Google group. I just copied the pagination.rb from the jekyll gem into my _plugins directory and changed line 32 as follows:
newpage.dir = File.join(page.dir, "page#{num_page}")
newpage.dir = File.join(page.dir, "page/#{num_page}")
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