Print Progress Bar Background Color in Chrome

I’m working on a project today that uses Twitter Bootstrap, displays progress bars, and has a requirement to print those progress bars. Sadly, Chrome doesn’t like to print background colors by default, so printing the progress bars didn’t work so well. Here’s the trick to get it to work: -webkit-print-color-adjust:exact. This instructs Chrome to print the background color.

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Googlebot Gotcha

Did you build your site thinking that googlebot can't understand your javascript? I did, and I was a bit surprised when I learned I was wrong...

About a month ago, Starr Horne and I launched a reboot of, which is all about helping people who are looking for office space find it. We've had a lot of fun trying out various techniques and technologies, including trying different approaches to analytics.

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Skipping Asset Compilation with Capistrano

Capistrano has a handy task that runs rake assets:precompile for you when you are deploying your Rails 3.1 application. This gives you an easy way to get the performance boosts of having only one css file and one javascript file to load per request. The price you pay for that benefit is the amount of time it takes to run that rake task when you are deploying. There is a way to get the benefit while reducing that cost, though.

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